Title: Holding Liquid Light
I took this photo on the deck of my apartment at 7:20 pm. the ISO was 800, the f-stop was 5.6, and the shutter speed was 1/250. I took this with my Sony Alpha 500. It has a feature on it to increase the contrast which I did.
I might not be able to make it to todays meeting which I lament so If I cannot I will give an explination here of how I did it other that what I have already told you. The hands are my wife's hands. She was holding a little mirror hiding part of it with her hands. The sun was setting and I made sure the reflection of the sun would show up in the photo. So this photos it not edited and that is it as it is. It is like she is holding light, yet is like the light is in a liquid..... MmmmmMM! yeah I think it is good.
BTW I'm way excited for photographics this semester.
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